Friday, August 24, 2007


First off, a big THANK YOU to Gregg Fleishman and Nana Tchitchoua for inviting us to the Flieshman Studio to perform.

Their show, THE GARDEN AND THE CUBE, is currently installed in the space for everyone to explore tomorrow night.

You can learn more about them at and

We are so excited to announce the following guest artists who will be joining us tomorrow night:

Performance by local artist Stephen Van Dyck

"Snailship/Snail Island" a short film by Jacinto Astiazarán


collidescopic jams by Lucky Dragons

DJs Annie O'Malley and Collin Blowdorn will mellow the vibe with their sweet dreamscape of sound.

Please join bodycity in

bodycity VII: tales from future mountain
choreography by meagan yellott
sound accompaniment by evan george

tomorrow, fri. aug. 24th


gregg fleishman studio
3850 Main Street
Culver City, CA 90232

Sunday, August 19, 2007

bodycity VII: tales from future mountain

choreography by Meagan Yellott
sound accompaniment by Evan George

Envisioning the bleak utopia
of our own making.

With special guest performers of
a musical nature!

Friday, August 24, 2007
Starts at 8pm

Gregg Fleishman Studio
3850 Main Street
Culver City, CA 90232
We welcome donations for future projects!

Join us for a sweet Friday night to mark the dwindling moments of the summer and the nearing departure of our dear pal Aubrey White. Bring your friends, your summer shoes and your best multisensory ambitions.

Light refreshments will be served (Punch! Wafers! Fruits!).