Sunday, January 21, 2007

We have videos!

As the worlds of dance and technology are changing, so are we. Our new vimeo account will soon have our first dance film, bodycity IV: the steepest street in california. Click here now and see our dance performance at Fritz Haeg's dance salon (read post below).

Thursday, January 11, 2007

bodycity III: edgecity

This, the third installment of body city, took place in a new format. We were invited to perform as the first dance troupe involved with "Sharon's Farm', a Padua Playwrights Production of site specific short plays by LA local theater artists. It took place in Jim Fitipaldi's Bedlam Loft; an arts district stronghold.

in company with five short plays, we opened the evening with a dance on the main staircase, a creaky 26 steps stuck to a brick wall.

up to this point, we haven't needed music. but, for this dance we found a perfect fit. it just so happened to be aerosmith, remixed.