Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ms. Mary Lucy

How ridiculous can a body be?

This project, built especially for a dance-rhetoric-specific forum, set out to embarrass everyone involved. Using phrases like "bow-chick-a-bow-wow" and the sing songy, school age limericks "Miss Mary Mack" and "Miss Lucy/Suzy Had a Steamboat", I think we pretty much managed to make everyone present feel somewhat weird about "dance performance". It was a tawdry play of school girl rhymes and porno rhythms. Aubrey's Mom flew down just for it and really didn't have much to say afterwards.

The thing is though, the silent stares and inability to compose a typical congratulatory response is, for us, a sure sign of success.

there's not much I can say is more satisfying than making your friends and strangers ask "what the hell, exactly, is going on here?"

Well, to be a bit more descriptive, what went on was this: We gathered all observers in the garden of earthly delights at fritz haeg's geodesic dome dwelling on a Mount Washington hillside. We infiltrated the space through a series of hip-oriented traveling steps, akin to gyrating, making our way to individual spots allotted throughout the garden. It was a cycle through a grouping of designated movements, performed in a sort of round. All bodies were displaying somewhat rudimentary, or "pedestrian", vocabulary culminating amongst the tomato and grape vines.

And then...

there was a pause in momentum. Each body began to isolate a certain body part: an elbow, a calf, a knee, the flab beneath the bicep, and what we all know as the fatty conglomeration of the haunch. Using eye-contact as a sure-fire way to make others a little embarrassed and uncomfy, we proceeded to rest in this breakdown for quite some time. Only to re-energize by singing Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack, all dressed in black, black, black....
We revisited the days of "Red Rover" and Hide-and Seek" through familiar melodies paired with, now, grown-woman attributes, rediscovering them as more twisted than we once perceived.