bodycity IV: the steepest street in california

The inspiration for bodycity IV sprung from, indeed, the steepest street in California. At a daunting 32degree incline – or, for grade focused individuals, that’s an engine-screaming, tires-slipping, just-keep-moving 31% – Fargo Street crests above Echo Park in Los Angeles.
With sprawling views in all directions, the perspective from atop that there steepest street is singular; houses precariously dotting the hills, green trees amid rising pavement, and the flow of the streets below suddenly slowed by our new-found vertical distance.

A hill removed…in the heart of a city.

Built in the early 1900's, long before current regulations restricted paved roads to a maximum grade of 15%, the hill was, for us, both brutal and humanizing. The steepest street: not just the burning pain in your ass on the way up (unforgiving, indeed), but the true and solid feel of cement - a landscape designed not for bodies...but for tires. To the cries of "car!" and "game on!" we danced with Fargo's native species.
How to bring such a powerful perch to the masses?

With several logistical challenges afoot (an insurmountable parking challenge, perhaps), it was decided that Fargo would be best captured…digitally.
The film started and ended with bodycity’s collaboration with Jacinto Astiazaran, master cameraman and editor extraordinaire. Truly, Fargo would not have been if it wasn’t for Jacinto’s keen eye, ever-patient nature and nuanced editing. Jacinto – ¡tu eres lo más chingon!
Check out the finished project on our vimeo account
Bodycity has submitted the the Fargo film to Dance Camera West Film Festival 2007.

ridin dirty
End-of-day snapshot…
PS: Although bodycity IV may be the first Fargo dance to be documented forever and always, the street has been the centerpiece for other steep-climb enthusiasts (read: masochists) for years. Check it out!