Ms. Mary Lucy

there's not much I can say is more satisfying than making your friends and strangers ask "what the hell, exactly, is going on here?"
Well, to be a bit more descriptive, what went on was this: We gathered all observers in the garden of earthly delights at fritz haeg's geodesic dome dwelling on a Mount Washington hillside. We infiltrated the space through a series of hip-oriented traveling steps, akin to gyrating, making our way to individual spots allotted throughout the garden.

And then...

there was a pause in momentum. Each body began to isolate a certain body part: an elbow, a calf, a knee, the flab beneath the bicep, and what we all know as the fatty conglomeration of the haunch. Using eye-contact as a sure-fire way to make others a little embarrassed and uncomfy, we proceeded to rest in this breakdown for quite some time. Only to re-energize by singing Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack, all dressed in black, black, black....
We revisited the days of "Red Rover" and Hide-and Seek" through familiar melodies paired with, now, grown-woman attributes, rediscovering them as more twisted than we once perceived.