Monday, June 16, 2008
Friday, August 24, 2007
First off, a big THANK YOU to Gregg Fleishman and Nana Tchitchoua for inviting us to the Flieshman Studio to perform.
Their show, THE GARDEN AND THE CUBE, is currently installed in the space for everyone to explore tomorrow night.
You can learn more about them at and
choreography by meagan yellott
sound accompaniment by evan george
Their show, THE GARDEN AND THE CUBE, is currently installed in the space for everyone to explore tomorrow night.
You can learn more about them at and
We are so excited to announce the following guest artists who will be joining us tomorrow night:
Performance by local artist Stephen Van Dyck
"Snailship/Snail Island" a short film by Jacinto Astiazarán
collidescopic jams by Lucky Dragons
DJs Annie O'Malley and Collin Blowdorn will mellow the vibe with their sweet dreamscape of sound.
Please join bodycity in
bodycity VII: tales from future mountain
Performance by local artist Stephen Van Dyck
"Snailship/Snail Island" a short film by Jacinto Astiazarán
collidescopic jams by Lucky Dragons
DJs Annie O'Malley and Collin Blowdorn will mellow the vibe with their sweet dreamscape of sound.
Please join bodycity in
bodycity VII: tales from future mountain
Sunday, August 19, 2007
bodycity VII: tales from future mountain
choreography by Meagan Yellott
sound accompaniment by Evan George
Envisioning the bleak utopia
of our own making.
With special guest performers of
a musical nature!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Starts at 8pm
Gregg Fleishman Studio
3850 Main Street
Culver City, CA 90232
sound accompaniment by Evan George
Envisioning the bleak utopia
of our own making.
With special guest performers of
a musical nature!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Starts at 8pm
Gregg Fleishman Studio
3850 Main Street
Culver City, CA 90232
We welcome donations for future projects!
Join us for a sweet Friday night to mark the dwindling moments of the summer and the nearing departure of our dear pal Aubrey White. Bring your friends, your summer shoes and your best multisensory ambitions.
Light refreshments will be served (Punch! Wafers! Fruits!).
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
bodycity VI: seveneight....REDUX

In case you missed last Friday, we are going to perform our latest dance again!!! This is the first time in bc history that we are repeating a performance, but this is a special one. Plus, we are hosting a touring dance troupe, Modern Garage Movement , how cool is that!?!
bodycity will perform bodycity VI: seveneight
a bit of magic, a bit of neon, and a dance vibe that screams summer solstice
MGM will perform GREE kaleidoscopic blinks presented in portable proscenium (see description below)
friday, july 20th, 8pm (really) 250 North Avenue 57 LA, CA 90042
*Show runs 40 min - 1 hr, depending on space
$8 suggested donation for the touring dancers
DRIVING DIRECTIONS: from the 110 N, exit Via Marisol, turn left go right at the first stop sign onto Avenue 57 continue straight (a slight jaunt to the left) across Figueroa cross the train tracks and it's the big yellow house on the corner of Ave 57 and Montevista
Get off at the Highland Park stop
Exit platform onto Avenue 57, go right 1/2 block
it's the big yellow house on the corner of Ave 57 and Montevista

kaleidoscopic blinks presented in portable proscenium
A quality knock-off you've never seen the original of, THIS DANCE IS
CALLED GREE. IT IS FROM BEDSTUY. is the new dance piece of renegade
touring project, Modern Garage Movement, aka MGM.
Started in San Francisco, based in Brooklyn, MGM is dancers Felicia Ballos, Biba Bell & JM Leary.
Inspired by hardcore touring rock bands, JM conceptualized MGM into a five week US touring project summer 2006, dancing in garages, backyards, packing sheds, wine warehouses, galleries and community centers.
The performance of GREE is an assignment to cultivate urban flowers in secret gardens by grafting the sounds of Stevie Wonder to Pash(ly), costumes of Neil Greenberg to soccer outfits and the dances of Youssouf Koumbassa to Sarah Michelson.
The show opens with a dimly lit seating area entirely covered by foliage, which is then removed by the dancers as the audience members arrive and are integrated into the thicket. GREE dusts off dance pieces, sets and audiences, invisibly arousing all growing, moving things.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
bodycity VI: seveneight
Oh my god it's totally summer. There are housesitting opportunities with swimming pools and neurotic dogs. Find them. And call us. And if you don't succeed, bring the fun to your house. Like Belmont Dreams, a house that offers itself up as nice little spot for traveling bands and roving dancers.
Excited by the communal, familial, and celebratory dancing of the days of yore, bodycity welcomes in the summer with a bit of magic, a bit of neon, and a dance vibe that just screams summer solstice.
And with the summer, we welcome new dancers! Three lovely ladies have joined our efforts and will dance with us this Friday. Say hello to Ali, Cristina, and Jennifer. Hi guys!
This Friday, July 13 at 8pm
Lloyd and Michael
Guy Blackman
Sly Hats
Belmont Dreams
1425 W. 2nd Street
for the curious ones.
Lloyd and Michael ** Guy Blackman ** Sly Hats
Join us.
It's kind of like this-

Or this-

Ok, and a little like this-
Excited by the communal, familial, and celebratory dancing of the days of yore, bodycity welcomes in the summer with a bit of magic, a bit of neon, and a dance vibe that just screams summer solstice.
And with the summer, we welcome new dancers! Three lovely ladies have joined our efforts and will dance with us this Friday. Say hello to Ali, Cristina, and Jennifer. Hi guys!
This Friday, July 13 at 8pm
Lloyd and Michael
Guy Blackman
Sly Hats
Belmont Dreams
1425 W. 2nd Street
for the curious ones.
Lloyd and Michael ** Guy Blackman ** Sly Hats
Join us.
It's kind of like this-

Or this-

Ok, and a little like this-

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
bodycity V
What happens when the curtain falls on the bloody, the filthy, the psycho-sexual?
........see for yourself, sicko.
Reappropriated, remixxed, rebuilt.
What happens when the curtain falls on the bloody, the filthy, the psycho-sexual?
........see for yourself, sicko.
Reappropriated, remixxed, rebuilt.
click on flyer to enlarge
Come! Come! Come! I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming!!!!!!!!!!!
Ooooohhhhh, Fargo will also be screened...
its proper public debut.
Steeped in creations of film, dance, and music. Sure to be a partay.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
death birth death birth
Well, look at us!
We're out of the bloody trenches and moving in for the kill for our next project: bodycity V: responsive theater. We've been round-tabling all of our thoughts on the process and product now completed and are FULL of plans for a constructive, site specific work addressing our frustrations, delights, and ruminations incurred along the way through Hot Young Girls Are Evil: A Bloody Burlesque Comedy.
For those of you who came out and saw it, THANK YOU! It was astounding to see so many faces in the house and to enjoy the ensuing conversations after the performance. Awesome.
For those of you who didn't see it, no sweat - this upcoming project will be all the more interesting and we'll be sure to provide ample amounts of context.
We'll post again as the details line up!